Maybe that is part of the problem with men all along. We don't know when to reach out for help when we need it. We have to be strong two-four-seven, not show any signs of weakness even when circumstances may put us in the position where we may have to.
Author Andre Carter has written a book that will hopefully address issues that face men on an everyday basis. His book entitled, "The Man-ual" was written with the intention of opening the eys of men across the country to help us to be better at what we should already be...and that is leaders, husbands, fathers, nurturers and providers.
JLW: Would you tell the readership about your book and how you hope it will impact our community?
AC: The Man-ual is a book designed to alleviate the average mistakes made in common relationships. By alleviating those mistakes in relationships that occur, you can expect a lower divorce rate, a lower rate of childhood pregnancies and a lower high school drop out rate due to broken homes. The Man-ual will teach men how to bring back the spark that earned their mate's attention and affections.
AC: The Man-ual is a book designed to alleviate the average mistakes made in common relationships. By alleviating those mistakes in relationships that occur, you can expect a lower divorce rate, a lower rate of childhood pregnancies and a lower high school drop out rate due to broken homes. The Man-ual will teach men how to bring back the spark that earned their mate's attention and affections.
JLW: Who is your intended target audience and why?
AC: My target audience is men; married and single.
AC: My target audience is men; married and single.
JLW: In your opinion, what is the one thing that is hurting our
community respectively, and what would you suggest as a means to change
AC: Education and the lack of it is what is hurting our community. Children having children hurt our community. A child doesn't know how to be an adult because they haven't been one. Yet they are stuck with making adult decisions when it comes to raising a child. If you decided to go back to school, would you want your teacher to be a child? Children teaching children is the on going vicious cycle in our black communities. The disease is called Teen Pregnancy. The cure is The Man-ual...The Relationship Manual Created Just For Men. The Man-ual provides men with the education needed to make smarter choices when choosing a mate. Therefore, relationships last longer. The percentage of divorce and broken homes drop. With both parents in the home raising the children, there should be a drop in teen pregnancy as well as a drop in the high school drop out rate.
AC: Education and the lack of it is what is hurting our community. Children having children hurt our community. A child doesn't know how to be an adult because they haven't been one. Yet they are stuck with making adult decisions when it comes to raising a child. If you decided to go back to school, would you want your teacher to be a child? Children teaching children is the on going vicious cycle in our black communities. The disease is called Teen Pregnancy. The cure is The Man-ual...The Relationship Manual Created Just For Men. The Man-ual provides men with the education needed to make smarter choices when choosing a mate. Therefore, relationships last longer. The percentage of divorce and broken homes drop. With both parents in the home raising the children, there should be a drop in teen pregnancy as well as a drop in the high school drop out rate.
JLW: What possessed you to write a book such as this?
AC: I wrote The Man-ual...The Relationship Manual Created Just For Men because I, myself have made a lot of relationship mistakes and thought that I should pass on what I learned from my experiences. Knowledge is to be shared, not hidden.
AC: I wrote The Man-ual...The Relationship Manual Created Just For Men because I, myself have made a lot of relationship mistakes and thought that I should pass on what I learned from my experiences. Knowledge is to be shared, not hidden.
JLW: What other projects do you have in the works?
AC: "Say No To Less Than 7 Figures In Real Estate" is my next book. This book will train real estate agents to be successful from their first year in business.
AC: "Say No To Less Than 7 Figures In Real Estate" is my next book. This book will train real estate agents to be successful from their first year in business.
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Author Andre Carter | - Book link for Kindle - Soft Cover Book Link
Mr. Andre Carter (Author)
(516) 457-7946
The Man-ual thoroughly addresses topics that are overlooked in the average self-help book. Men receive an honest assessment with regards to issues of hygiene, fatherhood, abuse and just what the qualities of a good man entails: finesse, honesty, integrity to name a few. Mr. Carter delivers his message in a hilarious yet thought provoking no nonsense tone.