Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Writer's Megaphone presents author and motivational speaker Deborah Parker

Anyone who knows me personally is very much aware of the fact that I am a big fan of paying it forward.  Paying it forward is such an easy thing to do.  It costs you nothing and the personal rewards in doing so is great!  There are people that have come into my life for the sheer purpose of obtaining whatever exposure they could obtain from me.  There are those that have stayed around and forged a business relationship with me and out of some of those relationships, true friendships were formed.  Still, there are others whose work simply

inspires me.  Anyone that decides that they want to change the world in a positive way is number one in my book because there are too many people that will pull you down and perhaps glorify issues and circumstances that need not be glorified.

Author and Motivational Speaker, Deborah L. Parker
Today, the Writer's Megaphone puts Author and Motivational Speaker, Deborah L. Parker on a positive blast.  She is not in my immediate circle, but upon learning just a little bit more about her, I realized that she is more than deserving of having the spotlight shined on her.

Ms. Parker's brand is motivational speaking.  She is also the author of four books that address the very topics that she lectures about.  In a world where lack of self-esteem runs rampant in our culture, Ms. Parker strives to make a difference...a difference that is very much needed.

So what motivates a motivational speaker and how did she come to do what she does?

JLW:  In general, before someone becomes a motivational speaker, a circumstance may have occurred that prompted them to make a change in their own lives.  It could be something life altering or something simple.  If this is the case for yourself, what was the circumstance?

DLP:  One of the main events that pointed me in the direction of  motivational speaking was a cancer diagnosis just as I turned 50 years old.  I relied on my faith and inspirational messages to get me through the treatment.  Then I started sharing it would fellow survivors and others going through adversity.

JLW:  You speak very candidly about you beginnings as the oldest child of a single parent being raised in the home of your grandparents.  How important is the structure of family in American culture today and where do you see it going?

DLP:   Family is the launching point for our adult lives.  It is there we learn to be who we are, with our good and bad. And most importantly we learn to love and care.  The support and security of family is an anchor in our childhood.   Today families do have some different challenges as we move away from our loved ones and may not get the value of frequent face time as often as we’d like. Technology helps us stay connected but nothing can replace a good old family dinner.

JLW:  If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would it be and why?

DLP:  Creative. I’m always looking at situations in nature and people for a message to turn into a lesson.

JLW:  What inspires you?

DLP:   I’m inspired by the grit of my ancestors. They found a way to “make a way out of no way.”  When I find myself wavering in my purpose, I reflect on the determination they displayed to survive.

JLW:  What is your speaking schedule like and how can someone get in touched with you to schedule an appearance?

DLP:  My speaking schedule includes events with business networking groups, conferences, religious organizations, women’s associations and African American programs. 

To learn more about Ms. Parker please visit her website listed below:

Ms. Parker can also be reached for speaking engagements at (703) 463- 0363 or by email at

I want to personally thank Ms. Parker for allowing me to feature her on The Writer's Megaphone!  I sincerely wish her the best in her endeavors as she moves forward to enrich the lives of those that she touches.


  1. Thanks Jerome for this feature. I look forward to continued connection on our writing journey.

  2. You are very welcome Ms. Parker. Let's stay connected and I wish you the best in all of your professional endeavors!


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